Friday, February 29, 2008

small update

Sorry I've been MIA these last two weeks. End of quarter hecticness...

But here's what I've been working on in Electronic. I used PAINTER X for this!! There's a learning curve that I'm missing due to my love of Photoshop, but I'm learning.
But anyway- she's the horse for I think our "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" play that will eventually happen. Also there is supposed to be a girl with her... I'm getting there. ^.^

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Papio wine

Watercolor and Photoshop. For my Advertising class- thankfully- no more wine labels after this! The small file is desaturated a LOT, but that's how the print went as well... It's the way watercolor goes. I'm just glad it is over and done with.

Dream Birds

Sketch I'm working on in Electronic. I did a bunch of bird sketches and then collaged them into Photoshop. They are a bunch of birds that I dream about a lot. ^.^

Next on the list to upload is my Papio design!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

double art post!

Rough sketch of a possible project. I'm not quite sure with the composition or colors... or anything. Very sketchy.

And! final version of the Ink Cap Girl. ^.^ I like it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Ink Cap part 2

There is way more of a gothic-like mood going on now. ~.^ So what do you think- like the ink or no?
Personally, I've got to do a bit more pushing... on the mushroom hair put some shaggyness textures and get a darker shadow under her foot. ^.^

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Photoshop drawing I'm working on.
Based off the same mushroom girl theme- I found the most awesome mushroom ever- the Inkcap or the Shaggy Inkcap. Soon she will have ink dribbling down her (if I can pull it off). The project is concentrating on textures and layered painting.