Monday, May 24, 2010

No Pretty Pictures... again.

Sorry for the lack of pretty pictures. That's one issue with physical media vs. digital- you can't share very easily. I WOULD take a picture, but my camera is out of battery juice and it's not happy with the ones I scrounged up for it. "Zoom Error" or something similar comes up. RARW! It's done this before it just likes brand spankin' NEW batteries (preferably brand name lithium thank you very much!). Stupid needy camera.

But yes. Starting on a physical media piece. Life outside of art makes my speediness go out the window. I used to be so FAST, but now there's more to life. I was eating and breathing and sleeping art in college. Seriously- I never did anything else. (Guess that's why I burned out for 6 months after graduating.)
ANYWAY back to the physical media- mixed media thing. It's a addition to the series of fairy tales I did for my portfolio class. Kind of.
The real reason I put the mushrooms on hold is because I want to submit to the Artists' Guild juried show next month. o.O While my mushrooms are good as a set, standing alone is a bit harder. Thus, kicking into gear some new work. Let's just say it looks similar to my "Parsley" painting, which surprisingly I still like a lot.

Of course once I started sketching these out I had about 4 more...

Maybe I should do a post on my process sometime? Could be fun.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yay! Finally got a bunch of pictures on the Gallery of Scotsgrove Stables website. Whew- and I'm sure there are still more to come.
Plus our Schooling show is next week! o.O

Haven't had much time to work this week. My sis is out of school for the summer and we've been catching up and having much needed girl time. ^.^ Like shopping and going to the salon. ^.^

Also, I've been cooking up a storm! On Tuesday when it was all gross and rainy and just nasty I made comfort food- my Great-Grandmother Mommy Mc's Mac and Cheese with a twist, I added shrimp, onion and some garlic to the mix. Let's just say Oh.My.God. It was sooooo good. It was like heaven.

As for this weekend... I have no idea how things are going to go down. It's almost as bad as Christmas trying to schedule two families who both want to see us at the same time! :P

All for now!
<3 Gwen