Thursday, February 14, 2008

Papio wine

Watercolor and Photoshop. For my Advertising class- thankfully- no more wine labels after this! The small file is desaturated a LOT, but that's how the print went as well... It's the way watercolor goes. I'm just glad it is over and done with.

1 comment:

AliceKay said...

Hi Gwennie!! Everything looks great. I love the monkey wine label and the ponies the best. This has been such a wild week. I did post on my blog with Tommye. Gwen, I cantered in the arena correctly. Dimples and I even rounded the corner. The secret for me was grabbing mane so I would have a following hand. I am so happy; Leslie is so happy too. Maybe it is one of the happiest days in my life.

wow, Landon is stranded in NY? Is he sick. At Spartan High, there is so much flu that they did an automatic phone call and said if you are sick, do not come to school.

I am so glad Jess has a therapist and is better. Even where I am now, if it weren't for Susan? And I don't even mind saying that, some of us just need that kind of mentoring.

I love you and miss you too. We got your Valentine and it is great. Also, Rachie is here and that is good. Wish you were here too.
