Tuesday, June 22, 2010

resolutions 6 months in...

Well, it's 6 months in and I wanted to see how far along I've gotten (mostly on the books, but that might have to be a separate post). Here we go!

Travel (these may have to be LIFE goals... sometimes they seem so out of reach. We are planning to go to NC for our anniversary though...)
1. Visit the Aquarium in NC
2. Visit the Discovery Place in Charlotte
3. Plan a week long road trip with Landon and ch-puppy
  • 4. EITHER go to the Grand Canyon (and other western-ish stuff on the way)
  • 5. OR travel up the Shenandoah Valley (definitely life goals. Sigh.)
6. Take a weekend trip up the east coast to see lighthouses and stay in a B&B
7. Ride the Great Smokey Mountains Railroad

8. Get a job :(
9. Sans job, stay busy on relevant tasks (Check!)
10. Continue learning about web design/building (Check!)
11. Update my personal sites at least monthly (Yay! Check!)
12. Read 300 books (separate post coming soon!)
13. Complete at least one piece of art a month (8 done since June, and 5 mini paintings)
14. Get in the habit of sketching and note taking again (working on that...)
15. Taking up my dream journal again (yes! I've actually had some interesting dreams)
16. Finish some of my "short stories" (erm... no)
17. Update the Scotsgrove site weekly and redesign update quarterly (Updated monthly, sometimes weekly depending on the traffic, redesigns are GO!)
18. Maintain weekly riding lessons as weather permits (Check!)
19. Compete at Scotsgrove schooling shows (er... Since Flame is gone that kinda fell through.)
20. Go to Hickory Top in the Fall (as is this one. Poo.)
21. *Give blood (I like this, I want to do this! I will try, last time I did - I puked. I'm O+, I think, so it would be good to do.) (hasn't happened yet...)
22. *Learn to change my oil! (not yet)
23. *Get the wedding pictures printed (o.O oh snap. I really need to get on that!)
24. *Attempt to grow an herb garden (CHECK! I have Basil! and Oregano! and Chives! and Lemon Balm! and a bonsai Rose! and Mint! and ... I think squash and merrygolds are in there too!)
25. Maintain our recycling (Check!)
26. Have my people over for dinner (Check!)
27. Have Landon's people over for dinner (um. We sent them dinner... does that count? no. shoot.)
28. Reach out to friends more (I have been trying. Some with success others without. I cannot expect to pick up where we left off, even though I want to.)
29. Market myself better for jobs (sigh. I am trying, but not very hard.)
30. Open an Etsy shop (this WILL come)
31. Finish a longer art project to be made into calendars/postcards/etc.
  • 32. either the celestial beings (make that the princess posters.)
  • 33. or the mushroom dancers (I was in the middle of July when I paused, so not too off track)
34. Actually buy clothes for myself (I did go shopping! I have three new shirts! He still has more than me.)
35. Look into the local art community (check!)
36. Submit art to some local art shows (going to do that this Thursday!)
37. Not argue so much with my mom and dad (so far so good!)
38. Work out a children's book with my mom (it's been put on pause by her, so...)
39. *Volunteer either with children or with animals or both (er....not yet.)
40. Work on creating/designing characters (I have! I just need a scanner...)

41. Tone up (Ha! HAHAHA! um. yeah... no.)
42. Ease into a more organic lifestyle (somewhat. I have my mini garden!)
43. Eat more fruits and veggies (I have been making an effort to put broccoli or peas in at least two meals a week.)
44. Become more flexible (ha. no.)
45. Drink more water (we've both put down the caffeine and gotten into Powerades and homebrewed tea. Not quite water, but definitely an improvement!)
46. Have one week with no eating out (oh. um. We like to treat ourselves at least once.)
47. Try different recipes (Yes!)
48. Take ch-puppy on an "outdoor adventure" weather permitting everyday (I try. Really, but the heat is awful and it's not like she enjoys it. Really- she just lays down. But I have been pushing for walks around the neighborhood in the evening.)
49. Lessen my chocolate consumption (check!)

50. Become better aware of what is in my personal account (um. sorta)
51. Stay on track with paying off students loans and once there's a job- start paying off more than the minimum (well- it is on automatic slowly draining my account, but I get a cut in my interest so that's good!)
52. Build my credit (not yet...)
53. Maintain being cheap :D (not a problem.)
54. At the same time- learn to live a little (have a monthly "me" spree) (heh- no)
55. Learn brand-name does not equal better, but you do get what you pay for (check!)

56. Maintain our monthly anniversary (sorta)
57. Say "I love you" more (always)
58. Initiate "yes" more ~.^ (has been fun!)
59. Listen to everyone more, instead of being bossy (trying very hard to do this one.)
60. Call my sister more, just to say "hi!" (yup!)
61. Maintain my weekly visits to my parents (sometimes I go twice. I must love them.)
62. See Landon's side more often (really need to work on this)
63. Be a better friend than I have been... (I hope so)

64. Decorate living room & upstairs in general (Living room- check! Upstairs-...no)
65. Paint upstairs, bathrooms & touch up dings in neutral walls (no... stupid dings.)
66. Get pictures on the walls (yes! well... some.)
67. Create larger pictures to hang on walls (wouldn't that be nice...)
68. Work on the back porch (stain, awning, garden) (GARDEN! Check!)
69. Get bedroom furniture (not yet...)
70. Get a corner cupboard for dining room (nope)
71. Organize downstairs closet and extra bedroom (HA! no)
72. Finish stripping, sanding, painting the old desk I got for Landon 2 years ago (oh. I forgot about that...)
73. Create my own work space (It is in the dining room. Not where I want it to be, but it's there.)
74. Get lots of shelves (Sigh. Eventually.)
75. Figure out what is wrong with our fireplace (either fix or replace it) (stupid fireplace.)

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