Friday, April 1, 2011

Weekly Round-up

This week I have SIX horses! Okay, so one is a redo, but it was needed.

First up, Lexluther, a roudy bay colt.

Saraphina Fox, is a classy dark bay lady. 

Next was one of the hardest horses this week. I'd never done a cremello paint before... Big Risky is our stallion this week. ^.^

Next is a pretty bay filly, Memorial.

Last of the assigned horses, is Sauvignon, a bay filly.

The redo was of a grullo leopard Appaloosa stallion. First off, this isn't a "pretty" horse to begin with... but MAN, I've come a long way. Given, when I was doing the first one, I had just found out that the baby filly in my barn had just passed away, so I wasn't really in a good place while working, but it's always been in the back of my mind to redo this one. SO, Blue Apache, free redo for you!

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